Thursdays at 12h00 - Talks with policy experts at the EP Info Hub - Feel free to drop

ceturtdiena 2022. gada 27. oktobris 12:38
ceturtdiena 2023. gada 13. jūlijs 12:38

Want to know more about what the EU is doing for you? (voir svp les informations en français dans le lien ci-dessous / zie aub informatie in het nederlands in de onderstaande link) Join us at the EP's new Info Hub in Brussels for our new series of EPRS policy talks. Each week, our policy analysts will cover a different area of EU policy. One thing is certain: we will focus on those areas that have the most impact on your life, helping you to understand what the EU is doing for you. Giving you the knowledge you need to get involved and join the conversation. En Français: En Neerlandais: For more information, contact us at:

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