"Servizio Civile Europeo" vuol dire COMBINARE, INSIEME, RECIPROCO, SCAMBIO e molto di più

Hai voglia di fare un Servizio Civile e allo stesso tempo hai voglia di conoscere il mondo, di conoscere ragazzi da tutto il mondo, hai voglia di partire e di contribuire a migliorare la società?

otrdiena 2024. gada 5. marts 10:00 12:30



The Collective for European Civic Service had and has a dream, and is fulfilling it: to make sure that every young person living in Europe, regardless of their social, economic, geographical, family background, regardless of their CV, has the chance to be an active citizen of the world, of Europe and of the local society, as well as the chance to do a long-term stay abroad, in Europe. The workshop is open to people who are doing, will do, or have already done Civic Service, and who are between 17 and 29 years old. Collective for European Civic Service and InCo will accompany you on this journey with a 2-hour workshop where we will share experiences and ideas for the future.

© https://www.trentovolo.capital/it/iniziative/servizio-civile-europeo-vuol-dire-combinare-insieme-reciproco-scambio-e-molto-di-piu?day=2024-03-05
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